Study Days and Retreats
Study Days
We usually arrange an optional Study and Practice Day each term, to which all our students are invited.
The day provides an opportunity to explore and practise mindful working in greater depth and in a more sustained way, which is extremely valuable.
Usually held on a Saturday or Sunday at the School of Philosophy and Economic Science’s study centre at Waterperry House, near Oxford (60 minutes from St Albans). Usually organised in association with neighbouring Branches, allowing an opportunity to meet and mix with students from other locations.
The structured programme includes discussion, periods of study and practical work. (Note: As the House is run by the students of the School, all activities such as preparing meals and house cleaning are carried out by visiting students as an opportunity for mindful practice).
Residential retreats
After the first year, for students who are interested, there are opportunities to attend weekend residential workshops, to extend their study of philosophy with other groups from around the country.
These are normally held at the School's residential retreat centre at Waterperry House, near Oxford. We have consistently found that coming together in this way consolidates what has been discussed in the group and can increase awareness and happiness.
As on the Study Days, the programme will include periods of study and quiet time as well as practical work to maintain the house and grounds while practising attention.
For an indication of the fees for these events, please see our Fees and Charges page.